
Update: Tag history has been overhauled. You can now clearly see what tags have been +added and -removed from a post within the tag history as well as the category for each tag and the rating history.
To view the tag history of a post click on it and look for the history section within the sidebar.
Update: Our default theme has been changed! Let us know what you think of it on our forum. You can freely change the theme by going into your options. Click here.


Pools are a new feature recently added to Curveybooru.
Pools allow you to group and categorize posts with a common theme. Unlike your favourites list you can order posts inside your pools in any order and change the order at anytime.
Anyone who has signed-up for an account can freely create and edit their own pool. When creating your pool make sure to set edit permissions to private unless you want anyone to be able to make changes to your pool.

pool[fusa] Prideful Slender Girl Gets ChubbyDoujinshi29